Saving half a banana
On Nov 8, 5:58?pm, "Felice" > wrote:
> All these years I've been slicing the whole banana on my cereal even though
> I wanted only half, because there seemed to be no way to save the other half
> without having it go brown and yucky.
> This morning I stuck the other half face down in an inch of water in a small
> glass, and at dinner time it was looking good. Now let's see if it makes it
> through the night. I would have tried acidulated water, but I didn't have a
> lemon handy.
> If it doesn't work, I'll be open to suggestions. And no, I won't put it in
> the re-frig-er-a-tor, cha-cha-cha-cha.
Um, buy smaller bananas... didja know there are about 100 kinds of
bananas, many are much smaller than the typical stupidmarket banana...
some taste the same, others taste different. If you shop at the
ethnic markets you will find a broader range of bananas. And those
smaller types are often a better buy, they have thinner peels. You
may even like some better, I used buy reddish skinned fingerling sized
bananas, they looked like an ordinary banana only smaller but they
tasted mildly of strawberry.