I know Ted...
I had those concerns too.
Splenda liquid sucralose is available in other countries (Brazil etc),
and perhaps that's how it was obtained.
It IS a small operation, that this woman runs. I have used the product
for two weeks now, with no rise in BGs so I beleive it is what it says
it is.
As for Splenda itself having carbs, i'm not sure about that. Here's a
quote from a LATimes article about Sucralose:
"Hard-core dieters prefer their sucralose remain calorie- and
carbohydrate-free in the form of liquid, imported Splenda. "
So, yes, this is a small gray market operation... I chose to use it, and
am quite happy.
Ted Rosenberg wrote:
> cc'd by email.
> I looked at the site, and lots of things there bother me.
> First, the site is amateurish, and the home page doesn't work at all.
> Second there is no information about the retailer
> third: they seem to be the ONLY people selling the stuff - where are
> they making it, in a bathtub?
> MOST important, It is Splenda which has carbs, NOT the filler, the
> product itself - VERY low carb, but carbs no less - HOW can you have a
> ZERO carb product from Splenda
> Then there is your statement " The problem is the folks that make it,
> McNeil, won't release liquid Splenda to the public."
> Well, if they won't release it, HOW is ANYONE selling it.
> Jennifer wrote:
>> I love Splenda... but it uses bulking agents which add carbs.
>> When I use it make a pitcher of iced tea, the 3/4 cups I use adds
>> about 20g of carbs. Not much for a whole pitcher... but unecessary.
>> Well, come to think of it, it IS a lot for a beverage.
>> The problem is the folks that make it, McNeil, won't release "liquid
>> Splenda" to the public. Liquid Splend would have no carbs. It's
>> available to manufacturers for use in things like Diet Rite Cola, so
>> their Splenda has no carbs.
>> I did however find a place where you can get a liquid Splenda!!!
>> And I've spent the last week testing it out.
>> It's amazing. It has NO carbs, and I think it has even less of an
>> aftertaste because it doesn't have the maltodextrin etc.
>> It's called Sweetzfree. www.sweetzfree.com And it's seems to be
>> expensive, but it's not really. I bought 2 oz. 1/4 of a teaspoon
>> sweetens a whole 2qt pitcher of iced tea. That means I'll get 48
>> pitchers worth out of my purchase.
>> I do NOT own any part of this company, I just pass along the info.
>> www.sweetzfree.com
>> Jennifer