Arri London wrote:
> cybercat wrote:
> >
> > Going tomorrow for the first time to take a look at the hams and
turkeys. (I
> > am doing Thanksgiving dinner this year.) They have butterballs for $1.29
> > pound, and Smithfield hams, too. Shanks (1.19 a lb) and butts (1.29 a
> > No idea what the difference is.
> >
> > I see they carry what they call "private" brands. Any items particularly
> > good in these Aldi brands?
> >
> > I know I have to take my own bags and a quarter for the cart rental.
> > Anything else?
> Can't help you with what's particularly good, as that varies from
> country to country. Used to shop Aldi's in London for the German goods
> and the ground coffee, which probably was their own brand. It was within
> somewhat long walking distance but much of the walk was along a canal
> anyway.
> The selection will vary from time to time so if you do see something you
> like get it then and there! Next week might disappear.
Now what we need here in the states is Lidl...!!!