Diabetes Results: 120
"Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message
> Oh pshaw, on Wed 07 Nov 2007 09:29:14p, Dee.Dee meant to say...
>> "Wayne Boatwright" > wrote in message >> T2
>> diabetes can be managed without a huge impact on your life. It does
>>>> not have to ruin your life, it just means things are going to be
>>>> different.
>>>> Paul
>>> I'm sorry, Paul, but I have to disagree with you. My insulin
>>> resistance is totally gone, where in the beginning it could barely be
>>> controlled. I no longer take any meds at all. My fasting BG is in the
>>> low end of "normal" range. An hour and two hours after eating
>>> "something I shouldn't", my BG is rarely even 120. I will never claim
>>> that I am no longer diabetic, but I
>>> balance and manage when and what I eat and in what combinations.
>>> If that doesn't work for you and others, then it doesn't, but it works
>>> for me and my doctor agrees. We have charted it very carefully.
>>> --
>>> Wayne Boatwright
>> Dear f-i-l did the strips to keep track of his numbers. I know that
>> really helped him a lot. I've done a few of the pricks myself ;-)) and
>> found that I'm in the ball-park when I've done it, but these home tests
>> I would think are quite guiding and comforting.
>> No remarks, please, dear Wayne. ;-))
>> Dee Dee
> Go prick yourself, Dee Dee! :-)))
> (Honest, I just couldn't resist)
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
But, Wayne, I can't -- I don't have one! :-))))
Dee Dee