Felice wrote:
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Sheldon wrote:
>>> Before suffering Thanksgiving dinner jammed into some greasy spoon
>>> regardlss they have an out of sight wine list I'd rather donate my
>>> services to a soup kitchen and dine with the more unfortunate. I'll
>>> be doing a leg of the lunch run for the neighborhood Meals On
>>> Wheels... I'll be home just in time to pop the boid into the oven
>>> for me and my guys.
>> Good onya, Shel.
>> I'll be smoke-roasting 24 birds for the local men's shelter and
>> helping with the service. I really look forward to this each year.
>> --
>> Dave
>> www.davebbq.com
> Good on both of you. What a nice Thanksgiving gift.
Heck, I almost feel guilty because I like doing it. It's not a sacrifice at