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Bobo Bonobo® Bobo Bonobo® is offline
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Default Diabetes Results: 120

On Nov 10, 10:18 am, Andy <q> wrote:
> Boron Elgar said...
> > On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 04:57:02 -0600, Andy <q> wrote:

> >>Boron Elgar said...

> >>> You are responsible for the quality of medical care you receive. If
> >>> you are unable to make proper decisions or too ill to do so, find a
> >>> caregiver or advocate who will make them for you.

> >>> Boron

> >>When Doc put me on a gout diet (low sat.fat/low protein/high complex
> >>carbs) I instantly about faced.

> >>So many twists of fate, dammit.

> >>Andy

> > Andy, a lot of things happen to us as we get older....some is genetic
> > pre-disposition, some triggered by our lifestyles (hopefully our kids
> > understand this now a bit better than we did), some influenced by our
> > environment (where we have worked, lived, been exposed to knowingly or
> > unknowingly), and some is, as you say, a twist of fate.

> > You have, in some ways, been diagnosed at such an early stage of
> > diabetes, that, if you are careful, may have no harmful effects on
> > your body, nor affect your longevity. This is important. Truly it is.

> > We play the cards we are dealt, as we have no choice.

> > Take heart. I know how difficult it is to be faced with a diagnosis
> > about a complicated disorder that right now, you don't know a lot
> > about. I don't mean you are unknowledgeable about it, but you will
> > need to re-learn or discover a lot about yourself - your body, your
> > lifestyle, your eating habits, your sense of purpose. Try as hard as
> > you can to take all of this as opportunities for improvement, rather
> > than insurmountable tasks.

> > It isn't always easy, especially at the beginning. It is hard to find
> > the correct information, and you will often get conflicting
> > information, as we have seen from a lot of posts here. But there is
> > nothing in your character that I have seen in your posts here or in
> > afca that would indicate you are not up to this task - either in
> > willingness or capability.

> > I hate to sound like Home Depot. but...

> > You can do it. We can help.

> > Take care,

> > Boron

> I bet you can charm snakes too!

Sometimes a snake is just a snake.
> Andy
