Oh pshaw, on Sat 10 Nov 2007 07:30:19p, Edwin Pawlowski meant to say...
> "Dave Bugg" > wrote in message
>>> Okay, Coca-Cola has a formula, and when bottled, that formula has a
>>> certain syrup to carbonated water ratio.
>> Sorry, but the formula is in the syrup, not the syrup/water mixture.
>> Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, and Royal Crown all have their own syrup formulas.
>> If you use Coke syrup at any ratio of water, you have Coke.
>> --
>> Dave
>> www.davebbq.com
> Yes, but you may have a Coke that sucks versus one that tastes just like
> the bottled formula. Doesn't Coke have a guideline on the ratio for
> fountains?
My first cousin owns a pharmacy that has an old fashioned soda fountain.
He has said that each type of soda does have a recommended ratio of syrup
to water, as well as a recommended pressure for the carbonation in the
water. If the equipment isn't maintained and monitored properly, these
rations can wander far away from the correct settings. This type of
equipment is hardly high-tech, at least not in most cases, contrary to
those systems that supply mixed alcoholic beverages through a computerized
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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OK, I'm weird ! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.