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Victor Sack[_1_] Victor Sack[_1_] is offline
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Default Tasty rice risotto recipe please.

<The> wrote:

> I am never satisfied that they are tasty
> enough. Perhaps it's me! But The Golfer agrees that restaurants
> seem to be able to concoct much tastier versions that I.
> Anyone got a suggestion? Love to hear it!

Since you are very vague as to what you are dissatisfied with, I'll have
to be rather general and mostly repost what I posted before on such

How are you making your risotti? Is the (perceived) problem the recipes
or the technique?

If the latter, there are various ways of making what people call
"risotto", including using a pressure cooker or a microwave, but only
one is really traditional and perfectly suited for making risotto - the
old "toast the rice in oil or butter, gradually add hot liquid
ladle-by-ladle, mix in some butter and parmesan or pecorino at the end,
while stirring all the time" one. The rice must be the right kind, as
exemplified by Arborio, Carnaroli, or Vialone nano, though there are
many other recognised, but little known "risotto" rice varieties. The
desired creamy effect is achieved by the gradual rubbing off the outside
starch of rice grains during stirring with only a small amount of liquid
present. The texture and mouthfeel of the resulting rice is unlike
anything you can achieve by using other types of rice or methods of
preparation. Any other version is a more-or-less-successful compromise
designed to save time or effort.

If it is the former, i.e. you are just seeking a new recipe, here is one
I posted quite a few times before.

For a change, not a dainty Piedmontese, Lombardian or Venetian risotto,
but a hearty one from the island of Sardinia. A meal in itself.
Adapted from 'Cucina Italiana', compiled by Accademia Italiana della
Cucina (German edition).

Risotto alla sarda

4 servings

300g (10.5 oz) Arborio rice
100g (3.5 oz) pork, chopped in small (0.7 in) dice
100g (3.5 oz) veal, chopped in small (0.7 in) dice
50g (1.75 oz) Speck (lardo) cubed (or 0.4 cup olive oil)
16 threads saffron
1/2 onion, in thin rings
0.4 cup dry red wine
200g (7 oz) ripe tomatoes, peeled, seeded and chopped
1 l (1 quart) beef stock
50g (1.75 oz) freshly grated Pecorino cheese
1 tablespoon butter
Salt, pepper

In a hot pan, melt the Speck (lardo) fat (or heat the oil) and fry the
onions until golden brown. Add the meat and fry on all sides for a few
minutes. Add the wine and reduce till there is almost no liquid left.
Add the tomatoes together with saffron, a bit of salt and plenty of
pepper. Cover and continue to cook over low heat until the sauce
thickens. In a saucepan, melt the butter and, when it foams, add the
rice. Fry for 3-4 minutes, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon.
Add the meat sauce and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. Add
a bit of broth and continue cooking until it's mostly absorbed, then add
a bit more broth and continue in this manner, stirring constantly, until
the rice is al dente (tender but still firm to the bite). Remove from
the heat and vigorously stir in the cheese (and, optionally, a
tablespoon of butter). Add some more pepper if necessary. Stir again
and serve immediately.
