Hi! Just an info post. If there is anyone in the general area of Norfolk
here, I've found 2 I think well of.
1- Asian Grocery, corner of Great Neck and Route58 (
VB BVD). On the left on
Great Neck but you can see it from R58 if coming from the Oceanfront. I
think it's London Bridge RD at the southern end of the intersection or real
near it. Just north of R58. Good big place, excellent prices. Most of the
produce looks very good. Lots of hard to find items. This week is live
blue crabs at 1.69lb. Many harder to find meat types and odd things like
pig blood for blood sausages and such. Fresh tofu for 25cents a block
(about 3/4 size of the water packed blocks).
2- Little Israel, Independance BLVD north of R58 just north of Pembroke mall
area on the right in a small strip mall. Not a big place but many hard to
find items and great prices on spices. Kosher meats (all frozen). Many
brands although not carrying label that screams 'low sodium' at you, when
you check, they are much lower than normal store versions of same. No, you
dont have to be Jewish to shop there <grin>.
If anyone local knows some other good places (I'm in Virginia Beach) I'd
appreciate any tips!