How Would You Handle This?
On Sat, 10 Nov 2007 18:42:35 -0500, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>Lou Decruss wrote:
>> There's a manners query in Good Housekeeping and I was curious as to
>> how you people would deal with this situation. I'm torn and don't
>> agree with the writers solution.
>> At a dinner party, you see a hair in your food and can't bring
>> yourself to eat the entree. The hostess notices. Do you:
>> A. Compliment on the excellent sides and do your best to take a few
>> bites of the main dish.
>> B. Fuss over the stray hair, loudly enough that others at the table
>> start checking their food as well.
>> C. Lie, and tell her you're just not feeling well.
>> Would you do any of these or something different?
>People that anal should not eat in public places or other people's homes.
It was just a magazine quiz I found amusing. Nobody said anyone was
>It's a hair for crying out loud. I have two dogs who shed like crazy and a
>meal without any stray dog hair is a rare thing.
Sorry, but that's disgusting.
>If people can't handle
>that they shouldn't come here.
I wouldn't. Not trying to flame, but dogs lick the hair on their back
and the hair on their ass and genitals. There's no way I want one of
those hairs on my plate. If you need to serve food with dog hair in
it you should not be entertaining. Living with your own bad kitchen
hygiene is one thing, but inflicting on others is nasty.