Perfect Mashed Potatoes
Oh pshaw, on Sun 11 Nov 2007 04:04:32p, cybercat meant to say...
> "rosie" > wrote in message
>> On Nov 11, 10:39?am, "cybercat" > wrote:
>>> I got roped into doing Thanksgiving dinner.
>>> I don't do mashed potatoes! I never have. I recall trying years ago,
>>> they were lumpy.
>>> Got five pounds of big, fresh Idaho potatoes at Aldi, and a pound of
>>> butter. I guess I need milk, right?
>>> How do you make your best mashed potatoes?
>> Peel potatoes, cut in large chunks, and cook till tender( boil them )
>> Put milk and butter in a pan, heat them, add to potatoes that you have
>> put through a ricer
> I think the ricer is the key. Thanks!
If you want perfectly smooth and creamy potatoes, it's probably the best
way. I most often use the ricer, although I sometimes use a hand mixer.
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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OK, I'm weird ! But I'm saving up to be eccentric.