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Christine Dabney Christine Dabney is offline
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Default Saturday chat anyone?

On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:41:26 -0700, Arri London >

>Oh no!!! We plead innocence; we're both still healthy. Are you better

Partially. I felt better in the very wee hours of the morning, then
decided to see if I could keep a cracker or two down. Big mistake. It
sat there the rest of the night in my stomach and made me feel like

I will see how it is tonight. I just went out and got some ginger ale,
and some chamomile tea... Trying to figure out something that I can
eat that won't wreak havoc... I thought I was feeling better, til I
passed the pizza place in the grocery store, and the aroma set my
stomach to churning again... But I am starting to get hungry...

I haven't had one of these bugs in years and years and
years...probably at least 40 years. I think these pass
least I hope they do.

At least I feel well enough to chat tonight...LOL.

By the way, you know that pictorial bilingual Chinese cookbook you
showed me? Well..I thought I had a similar one, only Thai. I came
home and checked it, and it is the same type of thing!!! Bilingual
and everything. Since you say the Chinese one is good, I might have
to try this Thai book....
