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Phred Phred is offline
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Default Corked wine [Was: Another question to ask at the Pearly Gates]

In article >, wrote:
>On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 12:23:27 GMT,
>>I'm pleased to say there are now enough good wines around with Stelvin
>>seals here in Oz that I now refuse to buy any with corks.

>Screw cap? I like those because I don't have to fish around for a
>cork puller.

Yeah. They're great for getting at a nice drop of red ASAP! :-)

>However, here in the states they are using more artificial corks,

Quite a lot of those were around here too; but I detect a recent shift
to Stelvins that is even eliminating those plastic monsters.

However, I should add that I'm not one who thinks there's value in $30
bottles of reds when you can get very good ones in the $15 to $20
range here; so maybe my sample of closures is biased and most of the
poseurs wanking over their expensive reds are still fighting corks and
suffering from corked plonk. :-)

>which are fine before you take the cork out. If you're not careful
>about how far you screw in the cork puller, they drip through the
>screw hole if you store the bottle on its side in the fridge.
>I reverted to the screw type because the rabbit eared one seems to
>push corks in more often than get them out lately.

Cheers, Phred.
