Saturday chat anyone?
Christine Dabney wrote:
> On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 17:41:26 -0700, Arri London >
> wrote:
> >Oh no!!! We plead innocence; we're both still healthy. Are you better
> >now?
> Partially. I felt better in the very wee hours of the morning, then
> decided to see if I could keep a cracker or two down. Big mistake. It
> sat there the rest of the night in my stomach and made me feel like
> dying.
Poor thing!
> I will see how it is tonight. I just went out and got some ginger ale,
> and some chamomile tea... Trying to figure out something that I can
> eat that won't wreak havoc... I thought I was feeling better, til I
> passed the pizza place in the grocery store, and the aroma set my
> stomach to churning again... But I am starting to get hungry...
Weak broths? Plain boiled potatoes?
> I haven't had one of these bugs in years and years and
> years...probably at least 40 years. I think these pass
> least I hope they do.
Had one a few years ago that all the schoolkids here were passing
around. maybe you got the same thing. After the initial havoc, had one
of the worst cases of heartburn ever! Genuinely thought I was having a
heart attack, except my pulse was perfectly regular and it went away
with a dose of bicarb in water.
> At least I feel well enough to chat tonight...LOL.
Except when I went in there no one was there sob sob!
> By the way, you know that pictorial bilingual Chinese cookbook you
> showed me? Well..I thought I had a similar one, only Thai. I came
> home and checked it, and it is the same type of thing!!! Bilingual
> and everything. Since you say the Chinese one is good, I might have
> to try this Thai book....
> Christine
You must show that to me next time. Hope you do get better soon.