Perfect Mashed Potatoes
On Nov 11, 9:54 pm, Wayne Boatwright > wrote:
> Oh pshaw, on Sun 11 Nov 2007 08:31:27p, Myrl Jeffcoat meant to say...
> > On Nov 11, 7:19 pm, Sheldon > wrote:
> >> I like smashed potatoes (lottsa lumps, and with skins on), a big
> >> plateful steaming hot with plenty of real sour cream spooned on top,
> >> and with big blobs of caviar (don't need any other salt). Only thing
> >> else I need to complete the meal is my bottle of vodka from the
> >> freezer.
> >> Sheldon
> > Oh YUM!
> Oh, YUK!
> --
> Wayne Boatwright
> (to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
> __________________________________________________ ____________
(Me, too, Wayne - can't stand mashed potatoes - or any potato dish for
that matter - with skins on, unless it's a "potato skin" appetizer.
Don't like lumps, either. And the definition of mashed is in the eye
of the masher. I use my hand mixer for about 20-30 seconds after I've
mashed them thoroughly - I make great mashed potatoes.)