Wayne Boatwright > wrote in
> Oh pshaw, on Mon 12 Nov 2007 06:40:51p, PeterLucas meant to say...
>> Before I sent the SO off to work, I make sure she has a good start to
>> the day :-)
>> http://i7.tinypic.com/879asuc.jpg
>> All on toasted sourdough.
> I would LOVE to have that breakfast!
The tomatos were vine ripened, cut in half, seasoned with salt and pepper,
both sides seared in a red hot fry pan, then placed on a tray in a hot oven
and topped with fresh basil. By the time I'd finished cooking the bacon,
mushrooms and eggs, and toasting the sourdough, the tomatos were done to
perfection :-)
There were leftovers and they were used by me for a late brunch
sandwich..... which ticked the pooch off no end, as she usually gets the
leftover breakfast :-)