Homemade Cooking Tools
In article >,
Mark Thorson > wrote:
> Felice wrote:
> >
> > roups.com...
> > > On Nov 11, 12:13 pm, (Ruben Aguilar) wrote:
> > >> Just making a late Sunday morning breakfast and got out my homemade
> > >> square lid (just an old 8" baking pan with a wooden knob screwed into
> > >> the bottom) to use with my square skillet. Was wondering what things
> > >> you use because you couldn't buy or find them in stores. Just a long
> > >> time lurker, finally speaking up.
> >
> > One of my kitchen standbys is a child's wooden building block, about a foot
> > long, that I use for pounding cutlets. I "requisitioned" it one day when the
> > children were tads and we were poor. The children are now pushing 50 and
> > I've flattened a lot of cutlets in the intervening years.
> What kind of child's wooden building block is a foot long?
Yeah, if a kid took that to school now, he'd be in jail for bringing a
weapon to school.