Overstuffed Omelets
Oh pshaw, on Tue 13 Nov 2007 05:48:46p, Goomba38 meant to say...
> Janet Baraclough wrote:
>> I knew the end was nigh when I saw "ready to microwave" omelettes for
>> sale in Marks and Spencer food dept. (it wasn't raw egg, but already
>> cooked, looking like a dried-out egg wrapper)
>> :-(
>> Janet
> And a proper French Omelet is slightly runny in the center.
I long for the days of going to Madame Romaine de Lyon in NYC. Literally
hundreds of omelette combinations and perfectly cooked. If it's still in
business, I wonder and doubt that it's still the same.
Wayne Boatwright
(to e-mail me direct, replace cox dot net with gmail dot com)
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