Redskins SUCK!
Little Malice said...
> One time on Usenet, "The Ranger" > said:
>> Little Malice > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > One time on Usenet, "The Ranger" > said:
>> >> Little Malice > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >> > [..] I prefer to killfile by subject, not by author...
>> >> >
>> >> So right-click it away rather than bitching about it already.
>> >>
>> > [..] the process is somewhat different for me.
>> So the process is different: Use it already.
> I would, if he'd just mark his subject as OT. Otherwise, I have to
> read the start of each of his threads to see if it's off topic. I
> could just killfile Andy, but I don't want to do that.
>> > And how is your bitching any more valid than mine?
>> I don't bitch.
> Foo. And I'm not really bitching anyway. Griping, maybe. The
> difference is subtle. ;-)
>> >> That's more helpful than what you posted.
>> >>
>> > Not at all -- one can hope that Andy will take a hint...
>> Or he'll dig his heels in even deeper. Show me any thread where
>> he's accepted that hint. Show me a thread for any regular that's
>> "taken the hint" graciously.
> I'm not asking anyone to be gracious. But I do recall a thread about
> politics last February in which I had the same discussion with Andy.
> He seemed rather irritated with me, but shortly thereafter he began
> marking off topic things "OT". I really appreciated it, and was
> surprised that he's quit.
I recall it was over Hillary Clinton.
>> It's taken a few years but I've finally figured out that using
>> OE's filter and/or simply not responding to certain topics are
>> more beneficial and coincidentally reduce the noise-to-signal
>> simultaneously.
> I won't argue that...
Now here's where there is a double standard. You have to read all the penis
enlargement, nike, tiffany, work from home etc., threads but mine are
somehow more bothersome? On any given day on r.f.c there are dozens more
pointless, spam threads than I post in a day that you have to waste more
time on than mine.
Sometimes I'm just responding to a non-food related post and there's Goomba
crying foul. Like I have my own personal censor which I don't appreciate in
the least. I don't do that to others. Why should I stand for that kind of
Flame ups come and go between members but in Goomba's case, even if I typed
every subject starting with OT: she'd still bitch.
At one time we got along but one day she did an about-face and back-stabbed
me, something I'll never forgive her for. So she's insignificant and if she
doesn't want to killfile me and be miserable about it, I'm OK with that.
OB Food: Cheerios rule!