Thread: Redskins SUCK!
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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default Redskins SUCK!

Goomba38 said...

> Andy wrote:
>> Now here's where there is a double standard. You have to read all the
>> penis enlargement, nike, tiffany, work from home etc., threads but mine
>> are somehow more bothersome? On any given day on r.f.c there are dozens
>> more pointless, spam threads than I post in a day that you have to
>> waste more time on than mine.
>> Sometimes I'm just responding to a non-food related post and there's
>> Goomba crying foul. Like I have my own personal censor which I don't
>> appreciate in the least. I don't do that to others. Why should I stand
>> for that kind of treatment?
>> Jani,
>> Flame ups come and go between members but in Goomba's case, even if I
>> typed every subject starting with OT: she'd still bitch.
>> At one time we got along but one day she did an about-face and
>> back-stabbed me, something I'll never forgive her for. So she's
>> insignificant and if she doesn't want to killfile me and be miserable
>> about it, I'm OK with that.
>> OB Food: Cheerios rule!

> Oh put your big girl panties on and deal with it. Do remind me..what was
> this "about face" you speak of?
> Do you mistakenly think you're so witty or interesting that every
> trivial post detailing every unremarkable event which you burp out is
> somehow above reproach? You waste a lot of bandwidth feeding your own
> need for attention. You dislike anyone pointing this out to you,
> obviously. Perhaps I have higher standards or expectations for regulars
> in RFC who know the problems we've had in recent years with heavy loss
> of quality posters (who state the newer posters are ruining RFC) and the
> increase in garbage? Posts that are obvious spam (Tiffany, shoes, etc.)
> are actually much easier to ignore because they don't pretend to be
> anything but spam. They never post about food or dining. Easy to ignore
> them. We "got along" as long as I never came out and told you how
> annoying your posts could be. In fact, I recall trying to send you (as a
> surprise) a cup from The Masters, and asked you for your snail mail
> address to send you "something neat" and you never responded. So perhaps
> it is not *I* that was "the bitch" ??

It's not important anymore.

