Salami and shipping to the states.
On Sun, 11 Nov 2007 07:59:05 +0200, ravenlynne >
>There are some lovely salamis sold in the area..they don't seem to be
>refrigerated. I'd like to send one to my grandfather in the states as
>part of his christmas package...mail should take 1 to 2 weeks to get
> the feasible or should I look for something else? Any other
>edibles that can be shipped?
Two years ago, a friend of ours from Texas spent Christmas with us.
For his return trip (he was driving), we packed him a lunch which
included some roast turkey sandwiches, apple pie, etc. US Customs at
the Windsor/Detroit border crossing would not allow the turkey
sandwiches across the border and they were confiscated. Our friend was
told no meat products were allowed. Maybe the Customs guys were just