Redskins SUCK!
On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 17:22:31 -0600, Andy <q> wrote:
>Little Malice said...
>> One time on Usenet, Goomba38 > said:
>>> Andy wrote:
>>> > Since you haven't figured it out by now, I'm free to post just about
>>> > whatever I GD please and you'll just have to suffer through them or
>>> > killfile me.
>>> >
>>> > After all these years do you feel you've made any progress? Hint:
>>> >
>>> > Do I care what you think? Hint: NOPE.
>>> >
>>> > Andy
>>> Oh I know it Andy. It is obvious you don't care what anyone thinks about
>>> you. <shrug>
>I was only addressing you. I'm fond of most members here and show them a
>good deal of respect. You Goomba are just not one of them. You're
>insignificant. You don't matter.
girl fight tonight!
your pal,