If you want to know why the Mexican people can't afford that refrigerator,
just go to these sites and see who promotes that unlivable low wage, so
those wealthy people can continue to rob the poor in Mexico..
"Wae Lundbergyn" > wrote in message
> A1, you are one stubborn old goat.
You are right on about being stubborn. That's how I got what I have.
I said there were 20 million extremely wealthy Mexicans who dominat the
whole economoy and politics of the country
I did misquote you on the amount of people, as I had already deleted that
post and I apologize. I also apologize to misschef for misquoting her.
I understand that those 20 million wealthy Mexicans could do pretty much
what ever they want to do. What I was trying to say is most of the
population in Mexico, Should be able to afford a ticket on an airplane. I
don't mean they would be able to rent a Lear jet, but at least fly economy
class. As far as the politics, there are allot more of the have nots than
those wealthy people. Like I said before, maybe The People need another
Poncho Villa, to help change those wealthy politicians minds, so everyone
can have a little money in there pockets. To me business and industry,
equals money. It seems to me most of that money is going into the wrong
pockets. The people need a leader who thinks of the people you and misschef
talk about. I believe the standard of living for the poor is way too low. I
also believe, what you never had, you don't miss it. Since great granddad
lived poor, the granddad lives poor, now the dad lives poor, and that trait
is passed on to the son, unless someone stands up and says No More. Someone
needs to teach the people how to stand up to the wealthy and change the
attitude of the Peoples government, so it works for the benefit of the poor
and not so much for the wealthy. If that factory owner is getting rich off
the labor of the people, then the people working for him should share in
that wealth. Then they will be able to afford that refrigerator and good
stove and every other thing that the rest of the world takes for granted.
We were talking in another news group about kitchen knives vs. chopping
gadgets and the guy opted to buy a set of very good German made knives, now
he probably paid over $100.00 dollars American. I don't think he went wrong
by spending that amount of money for a set of good knives that will last a
life time. However what would that have bought in Mexico, maybe a cheap
refrigerator. My point is we all advised this man to buy the knives because
we knew a knife was better than that chopper gadget. Who is teaching the
people in Mexico, that they could live a better life, and have a healthier
life, if they could keep their food from spoiling. If they have good health
regulations on the way the stores and markets handle the food, they may
just be able to save a trip to that market, because the meat and milk will
stay fresher longer. The people should insisted on a regulated minimum wage
that is enough to afford those things I have been talking about. I am not
trying to be arrogant, but what I here from you is, the rich get richer and
the poor don't know they are poor, since their dads and moms did it this
way and granddad and grandmother did it this way and so on and so on.
I also said that there are 20 million on the bottom portion of the curve
regarding money; but that many of these 20 million do not work in a cash
economy. They remain pretty much agrarian and trade for what they need or
use a minimum amount of cash.
Why, because they were taught that this is the way it has always been,
teach the people that there is another way. Even if they work for the big
agricultural farms or ranches, they need to be able to have the same
amenities as the people living in the cities should have, and make at least
the same minimum wage. I have nothing against the recipes or the way the
food is prepared. What I'm saying is, let it be a choice to be without a
refrigerator, not because they can't afford one. If you work you should be
worth at the very least a livable wage, If the business doesn't see it that
way, organize and unite and don't work. If the United States trucking
industry shut down all trucking, the US would be on their knees within a
week. If the Mexican people united and refused to go to work I think it
would send a message to those in power.
Most of my recipes and food culture comes from these 20 million 'original'
You have really been an arrogant asshole in this newsgroup and I don't
understand why most of us have not just put you in the kill file.
I haven't intentionally tried to harm anyone, if I have I apologize. I grew
up hard, and I did business with hard people in the beginning. I learned to
conduct business as hard as necessary to get the job done. If I stepped on
a few toes to stay in business then that's the way it went. I didn't let
any government run me out of business, If they wanted to play hardball I
played hardball. It wasn't always on the up and up, but if you set a goal,
you're going to have to fight what ever stands in your way to reach that
goal. I reached my goal and now I'm enjoying the rewards. I believe anyone
can do the same, so I have a hard time understanding how in the 21st.
century people can't afford a refrigerator, stove, TV or a computer, if
they want it bad enough. Of course they have to know they can get those
things that will improve their standard of living.
You call me an asshole, well I've been called worst, but I got the job done
when others stood around scratching their ass and trying to see how to be
nice and get it done. When I was a young man, you would not have wanted to
do business with me, the way you talk about teaching CEOs to conduct
business, but I sometimes didn't give that option.
But you come up with very interesting recipes which stimulate the
imagination and you do have innovative stuff.
Thanks for the comment about my recipes, some are the original, but allot
are changed to suit myself.
If only you could get off the ignorance of the culture you percieve from a
Come on down with me to a humble home anywhere in the interior of Mexico
I will show you what I write about. Beans are made on Sunday after the
family has gone to market. They start to ferment that night and that is
because it adds the right microbes to their tummys to fend off all kinds
nasty other bugs. All the rest of what I write about is true and not
fiction. I lived it, loved and yearn for it when nostalgic.
I believe you and that is what makes me angry. They don't have to live like
that. If they had money in their pockets and chose to live like that, then
that would be one thing, but if they live like that because they have to
live like that, then that, as I see it, is a shame. Not on the part of the
poor, but on the part of those wealthy people running the economy.
I know you can't tell just from reading, but their was a time when I
couldn't do what I can today. Like I said, I grew up the hard way. You talk
about people sitting around the table talking about the food and culture.
When I was growing up the quickest way to get slapped out of the chair, was
to talk at the table, you looked down at your plate while you ate so as not
to eat too slow. There were chores to do and very little time to complete
them, so the eating was cutting into that time.
> Now, A1, learn to bend a little. Accept another culture and stop making
enemies when you're not really that bad a guy.
I bend, and believe it or not, I have mellowed a great degree from my
youth. I could never say these things in public a few years ago, and I
taught my children to take a different approach to life and business. They
still work hard, but they didn't have to go down the same road I did. This
is the most I've talked to a stranger in a long time, lol. If I hurt
anyone's feelings, I don't intend to, I have just always spoke my mind.
> > --
William Barfieldsr
> For some fun in the wind see my son's innovation at
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