Waynes World for the working class
A1 WBarfieldsr on 21 Oct 2003 suggested:
> I reached my goal
> and now I'm enjoying the rewards. I believe anyone can do the same,
> so I have a hard time understanding how in the 21st. century people
> can't afford a refrigerator, stove, TV or a computer, if they want it
> bad enough. Of course they have to know they can get those things
> that will improve their standard of living.
I just have a few things to comment here. First, having more
material goods does not necessarily improve your standard of living.
Simplicity, happiness and family are in many ways a much higher standard
of living than having material goods. And going to the markets, which are
clean and regulated and have fresh food, are more than just trips to buy
goods. They are also social events for the housewives and children. You
confuse, because you have been taught that way, quality of life with
wealth. From what I have seen and experienced, wealth actually seems to
lower quality of life and happiness, in most cases.
I renew my offer to show you Mexico, so that you can learn the
realities and get a better understanding of what you try to speak of, if
you're willing to pay for your education.