Waynes World for the working class
>A1 WBarfieldsr on 21 Oct 2003 suggested:
>> I reached my goal
>> and now I'm enjoying the rewards. I believe anyone can do the same,
>> so I have a hard time understanding how in the 21st. century people
>> can't afford a refrigerator, stove, TV or a computer, if they want it
>> bad enough. Of course they have to know they can get those things
>> that will improve their standard of living.
Gee whiz. Get your head out... There are billions of people in the
world who can't afford/don't have access to refrigerators or TVs or
ISPs or lawn services. Even in the US, where a reasonably stable
electricity supply is nearly universal. millions of people (yes,
millions) work full-time to achieve minimal food, shelter, and
clothing needs. Absent state regulations, US minimum wage is $5.15/hr.
That's $206 per 40-hr week. Before taxes. Let's see -- the usual
guideline for rent is 1/3rd income. That's almost $300 per month
(before taxes). Take a look at your 'for rent' classified pages. I
don't recall the guideline for food spending -- another 30%? Make up a
menu for 4. Health care? Transportation? School supplies and shoes for
kids? Utilities? And this is in the wealthiest nation in the world.
People (and there are plenty in the US) who buy their clothes at
Salvation Army stores and salvage furniture off the street (and work
at least 40 hrs per week) aren't lacking in determination or energy to
"want" computers and steaks and new cars.
Imagine a place where the non-regulated minimum wage is $1/hr. And a
refrigerator (much less the electric network to connect it) costs