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Wayne Lundberg
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Default Waynes World for the working class

Thank you David, I'm glad to know at least one person in this world has read
the original book and knows that the Ugly American is all about. This is
most refreshing. And yes, I fit the picture in that I have given insight
into entrepreneurship, self reliance, change, capitalism and all of that
from the lowest, poorest Mexican husband or wife, to the most exalted of
executives of the sixth largest corporation in Mexico. A1 will blast the
world for the inequities, I'm out there in the trenches trying to breach
these inequities. Not with hate of the culture, nor hate of the villans nor
victims; but with a positive bent to show an alternative to both. It's an
uphill battle, but worth it.

A1 is the perfect spokesman for the narrow-minded, self-indulgent,
parrochail mindset of many in today's United States of Americas thining.
