Homemade Cooking Tools
On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:18:48 GMT, Wayne Boatwright
> wrote:
>Oh pshaw, on Wed 14 Nov 2007 08:03:42p, Boron Elgar meant to say...
>> The one in the photo is not in good shape at all, but that is close to
>> it. Everything in that room was mahogany, so I assume her Ironrite
>> was, too. When it was closed up, it had a doily and a bowl of wax
>> fruit on it!
>> Boron
>Very nice! I can see why one like that could have it's place in a room
>full of nice furniture.
>At the time my mom had the mangle, she was still using a wringer washer and
>double laundry tubs for rinsing. It was a large old house, and we had a
>"drying room" in the basement as well. Clothes lines strung from end to
>end, and hotter air piped from the furnace. Of course, in better weather
>the clothes were hung outdoors.
>Laundry was really an all day job back then.
My mom had an automatic washer from at least the early 50s. Never had
a dryer until the 70s, though. There was a room strung with
clothesline in the basement and the backyard had lines, too. That was
the way it was done.
The house I grew up in still have the remnants of wringer or hand
washing. There were two huge tubs and next to that a gas ring that
could take a massive vat of water for heating.
Of course our moms were busy....now we all have the Internet to keep
us busy.