Don't let meat or mayo get warm
In article >, Sylvia
> wrote:
> > I don't think that it's as big a risk to their health as we might
> think if they don't have them.
> How big a risk to your children's health is acceptable to you? Sure not
> every mayonnaise that gets warm grows poisonous bacteria, but some
> does. There are enough risks to my kids' health that I can't control,
> but by gum I'm going to minimize what I can -- and letting meat or mayo
> get warm is one risk I can eliminate.
Well, I didn't exactly say send your kids with warm food and hope for
the best. I just don't think it's as huge a risk as modern people make
it. I even let my kids eat cookie dough! Not data, just an example,
but my husband will eat a cheese stick that was in our eldest son's
backpack all day, he has far fewer stomach problems than I do, and he's
willing to eat foods that I would toss. Every single child I knew
growing up survived the various sandwiches, salads, eggs, etc in their
lunches. The only kids I know who died, did so in accidents. I just
think we are overly sterile as a society now.
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