I'm from AZ and my water tastes great...it is well water

My sister is on
Tucson water and it is crappy

My beans turn out great also...must be the
hard water

"DesertDad" > wrote in message
Great pizza and bread has everything to do with water... The best pintos
I've tasted are from Arizona and we have some of the foulest tasting water
on the planet I am willing to ship our bean water to anyone who would like
You pay the shipping...
"William Jennings" > wrote in message
> After a little testing and research and not going into all the science;
> found to my taste soft water makes the best pinto beans. My tap water is
> hard coming from limestone. The bottled spring water I bought was
> significantly softer. The beans I made yesterday were almost as good it
> seemed to me. Fact is, I just ate too many and was to lazy to think about
> it last night .... or sit at the computer.
> We all know water tastes different in different places. Imho, some water
> has a hint of sweetness and seems to satisfy and for lack of better words,
> fill up our measure of want. You really notice it in coffee.
> doc