Wasn't happy with Mexican rice recipe
The Wolf on 26 Oct 2003 suggested:
> OK, searched web for recipes on Mexican Rice and tried one.
> They all specify on can of tomatoes but don't say if it's 15 or 28 oz
> can.
> What is the consensus for proportion of one cup rice to tomatoes?
> Also liquid anywhere from two cups to three and one half cup.
> I tried two cups plus the liquid from a can of 15 oz tomatoes. Was a
> little moister than I like, so should it be 2 cups including the
> liquid from the tomatoes?
Here's recipe given to me by a friend in Cuernavaca. I hope you
can understand it, and it comes out yummy. I've taken the original
Spanish, and added the English translation under the original text. I
hope you enjoy.
Receta para hacer arroz!! (4 porciones)
Recipe to make rice!! (4 portions)
1/4 kg de arroz
1/2 lb of rice
2 jitomates
2 tomatoes
un trozo de cebolla
a piece of onion
Se lava el arroz y se deja escurrir bien.
You wash the rice and let it drain well.
Se licuan los jitomate con un trozo de cebolla y se cuela.
You liquify the tomatoes with a piece of onion and then strain.
Se pone una cacerola con aceite, suficiente que cubra el arroz para que
se dora parejo el arroz y cuando ya tomo color beige sin se ponga café
se le pone el jitomate (licuado).
You place a pan with oil, enough to cover the rice so that it browns
evenly and when it just becomes beige without it becoming brown you add
the liquified tomato.
Y se le pone un cubito de pollo o knorr suiza (condimento) y se sasona
con sal tambien y se tapa a fuego lento.
Then you add a boullion cube and salt to taste, then cover on a low
Se recomienda no estar moviendo el arroz, sino se bate..se tapa a fuego
lento y si se requiere mas agua por si aun no se termina de cocer, se le
pone agua caliente.
It is recommended not to move the rice, just cover it on a low flame and
if it needs more water in case it hasn't finished cooking, you add hot
En vez de agua tambien se le puede poner caldo de pollo y toma otro
saborcito sabroso!
Instead of water you can add chicken consome and it takes another
delicious flavor.