NE Cook-in?
On Thu, 15 Nov 2007 14:26:05 -0500, "Felice" >
>"Andy" <q> wrote in message ...
>> Felice said...
>>> But I'm sure either Maxine or I would be impressed to have you
>>> show up in an XK-8 and lend a touch of class to the event.
>> You're figuring I'll pick up some r.f.c hitchikers with wine along the way
>> to
>> lend that touch of class!?! <VBG>
>> Andy
>The operative word here is "wine" but we'd love to see you and the
>hitchhikers, too.
felice, i would love to come to your house even if only to snoop at
your books, but i'm afraid it's unlikely.
your pal,