Holy Cow!
> Chris Marksberry wrote:
>> Now we're in the market for a surround sound system for the HDTV... very
>> confusing! Any recommendations?
> Sorry, I am no help. For my birthday, my oldest son hooked up our
> surround sound. Too many buttons, gadgets and gizmos for me. He showed me
> which button to push to turn it on/off. I put a smiley face sticker on the
> button, so I would remember which button to push (am I getting old or
> what!). He is a petroleum engineer, I wonder where he learned this stuff.
> Becca
I have successfully conned oldest stepson into setting up the surround
system when we finally figure out which one to purchase... he says we need
a blu-ray DVD player... ONLY adds plus or minus $500 to the price tag! I
don't think blu-ray is an absolute must <g>