On Nov 17, 7:48 pm, "Bobo Bonobo(R)" > wrote:
> On Nov 17, 5:58 pm, "Dave Bugg" > wrote:
> > Bobo Bonobo(R) wrote:
> > > I see that:
> > >http://ncchildcare.dhhs.state.nc.us/...lution_fact_sh...
> > > We use the 1/4 cup/gal, and I can't think of a home use where anyone
> > > would want anything stronger unless your sewer backed up. For regular
> > > kitchen/bathroom use, that seems like plenty.
> > > For sanitizing the stuff in the child care and preschool rooms, the
> > > standard is 200ppm, which is about 4x more dilute than the 1/4 cup
> > > above.
> > >> I imagine you probably have access to bleach-free disinfectant
> > >> chemicals which also do a great job.
> > > Those quaternary ammonium chloride disinfectants--which is what Lysol
> > > contains--are SO expensive that we almost never use them, and I don't
> > > think they make phenol disinfectants anymore. Bleach is very cheap.
> > > Does your health dept want you to use bleach that strong (10%)?
> > Only for visible contaminents like blood, vomit, feces, urine, etc.
> What's funny is that urine is sterile. Icky maybe, but sterile.
> > --
> > Davewww.davebbq.com
> --Bryan
Urine is sterile when it's in your body. Once it comes out, it starts
to grow all sorts of lovely bacteria
maxine in ri