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Blinky the Shark Blinky the Shark is offline
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Default Making a nice omelette using just egg whites

Reg wrote:
> -keevill- wrote:
>> I have read the using egg whites is healthier than full eggs and that egg
>> whites make 'excellent omelettes' etc.
>> However , when I try to cook an omelette using just egg whites I cannot get
>> the consistency of a 'normal' omelette - a nice cylinder of shape cannot be
>> obtained no matter what I do. It just looks like a white scrambled egg mess.
>> Is there some technique I must use?
>> Is it not possible to create a nice shaped cylindrical omelette using just
>> egg whites?

> In a word, no. You need to have at least some yolk in it
> to soften up the finished product and give it a reasonable
> texture.
> I use 3:1 ratio of yolks to whites. I find it passable.

That's a lot of yolk.

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