Thread: Pork Riblets
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Dave Bugg Dave Bugg is offline
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Default Pork Riblets

Nunya Bidnits wrote:

> Okiedokie. Personally I don't like scrolling through other posts I've
> already read, but like they say, when in Rome do as the Romans do!
> Hope you won't mind if I cut out excessive spaces, sigs, ads, and so
> forth. They make the meat tough on my scrolling finger.

But then the person reading your post has to scroll down to understand the
context of what you are posting about, etc. You bet it is a good thing to
snip out the stuff you're not responding to. :-) I really appreciate your
attitude and look forward to your postings.

> Nice website, makes me hungry! What kind of pit do you use in your
> restaurant?

Thanks. I use an Ole Hickory, after spending a huge chunk of time vistiting
and checking out the pits of other manufacturers. It is tough to find a
production capacity pit that will mimic what you can do on a small scale.

At home I now use a Kamado.
