I am in heaven - revisited !
In article <2007111808354516807-me@donotreplycom>,
AxisOfBeagles > wrote:
> Oooh ... how you make my mouth water. Long gone are the days when I
> could head down to the Bowentown heads and pick rock oysters within 50
> feet of the beach.
> Has the Bluff oystery recovered yet?
> On 2007-11-17 22:50:31 -0800, "st.helier" > said:
> >
> > A friend called by this sunny Sunday evening with a bucket full of freshly
> > picked, Pacific Oysters, not four hours from the tidal waters of the
> > Northland coast.
> >
> > While Pete shucked the shellfish, I tossed the bottle of Sepp Moser Grüner
> > Veltliner 'Breiter Rain' 2005 into the freezer (10 minutes was all the time
> > we could wait).
> >
> > What a sensational match - at this time of the year, these naturally grown
> > "wild" oysters are fat and in their prime.
> >
> > A sprinkle of freshly ground black pepper and a squeeze of lemon were all
> > that was required.
> >
> > I consumed 3 dozen oysters in 30 minutes (and I am proud to admit it!!!!!!!)
> >
> > And Michael, the GV was simply superb with the oysters - medium bodied, with
> > citrus notes and an appealing, spicy overlay with fine balancing acidity -
> > perfect!
The once finest oysters in the world are again being harvested in the
Lynnhaven River here in Virginia Beach. They don't know how long they
will allow the harvest to continue but I have only heard tales of these
oysters as harvesting them has been banned for 25-30 years due to