Henckels Santoku knife
"Sqwertz" > wrote in message
> On Sun, 18 Nov 2007 23:59:12 -0500, pltrgyst wrote:
> > On Sun, 18 Nov 2007 22:03:28 -0600, Sqwertz >
> >
> >>.... I've only
> >>used my Henckels 5-Star 8" wide blade chefs knife maybe 10 times
> >>in 3 years after getting one of these santokus.
> >
> > I have never heard of a Henckel's wide-blade chef's longer than six
inches. Do
> > you by any chance have a pointer to any information about this knife?
> Sorry - it is a 6"er - actually it's 6.5" measuring the actual
> blade only (we guys love to exaggerate). It's from the 4-Star
> line. I also have the 8" 5-Star but not in wide blade format.
> Also the 10" Pro-S (for spathcocking my chickens and ducks)
> -sw
Try scissors fir spatchcocking. Quicker and better.