Thread: Thai Iced Tea
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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Thai Iced Tea

Oh pshaw, on Mon 19 Nov 2007 08:37:18a, AE Todd meant to say...

> I am curious if anyone has ever tried making Thai Iced Tea, the kind
> you can order at a Thai restaurant. What variety and brand is the
> tea? What is on top, half & half? I was once told that the tea is
> Jasmine, but I sort of doubt this, as Jasmine is not the dark reddish
> hue that arrives at the table at the restaurant.

Try this...

Thai Tea Recipe From Scratch

1 gallon water
8 Chinese star anise, ground
1 tablespoon orange flowers
1 tablespoon powdered vanilla
1 pinch of clove powder
1 pinch chopped cinnamon
3/4 quart long cut China black tea leaves
1 to 2 cups sugar
1 quart half & half
red food coloring
crushed ice

Boil water. Add star anise, orange flowers, vanilla, clove, cinnamon, and
tea leaves to boiling water. Continue boiling for 3 to 5 minutes, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat. Cover and allow to steep until luke warm.
Strain, and add sugar to taste. Serve in a clear glass over plenty of
crushed ice. Top with half & half.

Traditional Variation: Substitute coconut milk for half & half.

November 15th,2007
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