Thread: Thai Iced Tea
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Tracy Tracy is offline
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Posts: 124
Default Thai Iced Tea

On Nov 19, 10:37 am, AE Todd > wrote:
> I am curious if anyone has ever tried making Thai Iced Tea, the kind
> you can order at a Thai restaurant. What variety and brand is the
> tea? What is on top, half & half? I was once told that the tea is
> Jasmine, but I sort of doubt this, as Jasmine is not the dark reddish
> hue that arrives at the table at the restaurant.

I can buy Thai tea from my local asian grocery. I found this site that
sells it and has pictures.
I usually just pour boiling water over the tea, let it steep then
strain a bunch of times with a colander lined with a coffee filter. I
just bought a tea sock but I haven't used it yet.

FYI - if you buy the packaged tea with all the seasonings added - be
careful of spillage. It makes everything orange!

I brew the tea and add sugar syrup to taste and then float half and
half on the top. Not exactly authentic but it tastes very good.
