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Default Don't let meat or mayo get warm

On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 19:29:21 GMT, "
> wrote:

>On Mon, 20 Oct 2003 13:10:27 -0400, Bob Pastorio >
>>Well, be that as it may, in spite of the very small amount of
>>contamination likely, for general purposes, it's probably better to
>>keep your eggs cool, particularly if you don't use them quickly.

>You didn't have to reverse your position, it's not like my widowed
>spouse would have sued ya, or anything! But I know what you mean.
>Still, as long as I know I'll use the eggs within 4-5 days, I won't
>have a problem with leaving them at a reasonable room temp. I really
>don't see why not. The general consensus here at RFC is to throw stuff
>out if there is any doubt at all. I think it illustrates the different
>kinds of people that post here. Some have more income than others.

In my case, and I think it *may* be the prevailing rfc position, if I
have genuine doubts, particularly about a long-stored or
unrefridgerated food thing, I toss it because I know I won't be happy
trying to eat or serve it. If it smells "funny," I toss. A lesser
consideration in my case is 'official' food safety guidelines. While I
try to follow most of them, I don't say "ohmigod, I left the spaghetti
sauce 'cooling' on the stove for 4 hrs -- must toss," or "the sell-by
date was yesterday...." Experience with cutting those particular
corners hasn't been catastrophic. I understand that those who *have*
suffered genuine food poisoning are much more rigorous.