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MJB MJB is offline
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Default Measures and Quantities in Recipes

"Becca" > wrote in message
>> So: What is your opinion? How do you handle quantities in recipes?
>> Regards,
>> //Herbert and Yvonne

> It would be safe to say that most of us throw recipes together, using a
> handful of this and a dash of that. That can get tricky if you are
> baking.
> Becca

Formal recipes and measurements become an issue when you are trying to pass
along something you make to somebody else. This very morning I was actually
measuring and writing-down ingredients for my 'garlic-herb' bread recipe for
the first time. Despite the fact that I've been making 'garlic-herb' bread
for quite awhile with whatever the clippings were out of my herb-garden.
And I'm going to the trouble of formalizing a recipe solely because my
Mother (who likes my herb bread toasted for breakfast) asked me to.


In a couple of hours I'll be popping the bread dough in the oven and I'll
see if I got the recipe 'right'. And it's a good day for baking here in the
high country - there is eight inches of snow in my backyard and the
thermometer reads 20 degrees.