Gerber baby food cat experiment
Nancy Young said...
> Who was it here who just mentioned that they give their cats
> Gerber 2nd stage meat food to their cats? I picked up a
> jar for a joke to see what Moxie thought. She plowed
> through half a jar of turkey and gravy after only a moment's
> hesitation. Funny.
> No worries, I will not be changing her diet to people food.
> However it was a little amusing to me that the cost of the
> jar was on par with the price of a similar size of cat food.
> nancy
I haven't read the ingredients on a recent bottle of Gerber baby food but
back in the 60s, they added excess amounts of sugar so parents who tasted
it felt it was suitable for their kids. The downside to that was the kids
taste buds weren't developed enough to taste sugar and they unfortunately
ate more sugar than they should have, causing growth and health problems
early on. Sweettooth, cavities, diabetes, etc.