Gerber baby food cat experiment
Nancy Young wrote:
> "Arri London" > wrote
> > Nancy Young wrote:
> >>
> >> Who was it here who just mentioned that they give their cats
> >> Gerber 2nd stage meat food to their cats? I picked up a
> >> jar for a joke to see what Moxie thought. She plowed
> >> through half a jar of turkey and gravy after only a moment's
> >> hesitation. Funny.
> > LOL you lucked out. We too bought a jar of it for Mz Diva (aka Ruby).
> > However Divacat took one sniff and backed away from the stuff as though
> > it was poison!
> I half thought that would happen, and for a split second she
> looked at her regular cat food like Come back!
> >Her late lamented colleague Emperor Ming, OTOH, would
> > have eaten the turkey food and gone for the jar as well.
> Ruby and Emperor Ming, I like that. I'm really sorry he's gone.
> nancy
TY! He was a good cat and was 19 when he died. He wasn't all that fussy
about food. But if he refused to eat something it was pretty bad stuff