Gerber baby food cat experiment
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Julian Vrieslander
external usenet poster
Posts: 230
Gerber baby food cat experiment
In article >,
(Steve Pope) wrote:
> Often at the grocery store you will see an obvious cat lady who
> does not fit the profile of a young mother buying multiple
> units of baby food.
I usually get a few jars of Gerber's at Albertson's, while Cindy is
buying the litter and catfood at the PetsMart next door. Nobody is
going to mistake me for a young mother or a cat lady. But I sometimes
wonder what the other customers think, when they see a
well-into-middle-age male waiting in line at the checkout with an
armload of baby food. Maybe they think I'm a millionaire with a fertile
young trophy wife. Wrong on both counts. Sorry, CJ. ;-)
As the originator of this babyfood for cats thread, I feel obligated to
clarify a couple of points. First of all, we don't use it as staple of
our cats' diet. We give it to them as a treat, in small quantities:
just a dab or two on a spoon or on the tip of a chopstick. It's an
incentive when we are teaching them tricks, a reward after they get
their claws clipped, or a vehicle for getting them to swallow a pill.
On rare occasions we have fed larger quantities to a sick cat, who is
refusing their regular food.
We have cleared this with vets and knowledgeable breeders. In small
quantities, baby food is not harmful to cats. We stick to products that
have only meat and water in the list of ingredients. Cats have lived on
that for millenia. But a domestic cat's diet should be based on good
quality catfoods, which have a different balance of nutrients than
Do not give them babyfood or any product that contain alliums (onions,
garlic, etc.). That stuff is bad for felines.
Signing off with Luka perched in my lap, doing his best "ain't I just
the cutest?" act, in an effort to get that chopstick to appear.
Julian Vrieslander
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Julian Vrieslander
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