Picky Dinner Guests
I'm going to my brother Scott's house to help with dinner tomorrow. He's
asked me to come over around 11AM to help with prep and stuff. No problem.
Dinner will be between 2-3PM.
My oldest brother Paul and his "girlfriend" (at least we think she is... she
lives with him) Audry is coming as well. I met her once, briefly. She
seems very nice. But she is, according to Scott, the most picky eater he's
ever encountered in his life. Even compared to me! (laughing)
Scott's making shrimp cocktail. According to Scott she won't touch shrimp.
Or any kind of seafood or fish. She says it's "yukky". Okay, more shrimp
for us!
Scott is roasting new potatoes with the turkey instead of making mashed
potatoes. Doesn't matter. She won't eat potatoes. It's not a no or low
carb thing. She simply won't eat potatoes. She doesn't eat any sort of
vegetables, cooked or raw. Nor rice, beans or legumes. She'll eat certain
types of pasta she can identify, such as macaroni.
We have figured out she won't eat his dressing because it contains onions
and celery, unless she can't detect it. She has eyes like a microscope,
tearing everything apart for some small something she doesn't like. She
certainly won't eat my squash casserole! LOL
The only cheese she will eat is cheddar but ONLY mild cheddar. Gee, sorry,
I bought sharp cheddar, pepper-jack and colby. That's too bad...
Crackers to go with the cheese? Scott bought a big package of variety
"entertainment" crackers at Costco. From plain table-water crackers to
crackers with various seasonings. He said if she spots a speck of
*anything* in the crackers (like poppy seeds) she'll ask, "What's that
speck?" and refuse to eat them. Apparently the only thing she'll eat is
saltines. And we're talking about a 60 year old woman. Oh good lord! I
thought I was picky!
She asked what she could bring and Scott had to refrain from saying,
"Something you're willing to eat?!" LOL Well, we aren't catering to her.
He suggested she bring some rolls. She said she'd get some of those Wonder
Bread soft dinner rolls from the day old bakery. Scott snapped. He just
paid them $300 to clean his house - since apparently this is what they do
for a living. (He couldn't do the cleaning in that huge house while still
recuperating from surgery.) Scott told me said, "Dammit, at least pick up
some ****ing Pillsbury crescent rolls or something!"
I had to soothe him and offer to pick up some rolls on the way over. I
happen to like the sourdough rolls from the Schnuck's bakery and so does he.
They get nice and crispy on the outside and are nice and moist on the
inside. Oh, but Audrey probably wouldn't eat those because she has no idea
what sourdough is. She's one of those people, if she doesn't know what it
is it must be terrible. If anyone mentioned sourdough she'd freak.
Looks like she'll just be eating turkey tomorrow.