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Wayne Boatwright[_3_] Wayne Boatwright[_3_] is offline
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Default Measures and Quantities in Recipes

Oh pshaw, on Thu 22 Nov 2007 12:42:20a, Ophelia meant to say...

> jmcquown wrote:
>> MJB wrote:
>>> "Becca" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>>> So: What is your opinion? How do you handle quantities in recipes?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> //Herbert and Yvonne
>>>> It would be safe to say that most of us throw recipes together,
>>>> using a handful of this and a dash of that. That can get tricky if
>>>> you are baking.
>>> Formal recipes and measurements become an issue when you are trying
>>> to pass along something you make to somebody else.

>> Like my German grandmother's recipe for date-nut coconut candy. Her
>> (hand-written) recipe called for "butter the size of a walnut". Well
>> gee, that tells me a lot! I managed to make it successfully by
>> adding a rather large lump of softened butter (more than 1 Tbs., less
>> than 2). She wrote all the recipes (at least, the ones she bothered
>> to write down) in that manner. She knew how to make it; writing it
>> down was problematic.

> But, but, but "butter the size of a walnut". is a scientific measurement
> don'tchaknow)
> well it was when I was wee)))

I suppose you had a walnut-sized spoon to measure it with. :-)

That's as bad as recipes that specify a liquid measure the equivalent of a
wine glass, or a dessert spoon full, or something the size of an egg.

Luckily, many people including myself, have a fairly good concept of what
needs go into a recipe.

Most of us know that cooking isn't rocket science nor does it require
laboratory precision measurements, except perhaps for certain baking, like
cakes, where the chemistry is essential.

Wayne Boatwright

Wednesday, November 21st,2007
¦ A mind is a terrible thing to lose... ¦
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