Picky Dinner Guests
Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >,
> "jmcquown" > wrote:
>> seems very nice. But she is, according to Scott, the most picky
>> eater he's ever encountered in his life. Even compared to me!
>> (laughing)
> Sounds like you're pretty picky. Why are you obsessing about this?
> Just let her starve.
Obsessing? I mention her one time (have never shared a meal with her in my
life) and I'm obsessing?? Sheesh. Where did you get this idea?
>> Looks like she'll just be eating turkey tomorrow.
> I don't like turkey.
> :-)
I don't either (and he knows it) but I'll eat a little bit to be polite. In
fact, when I'm invited to dinner I always do that, even if I don't like what
is being served. You don't have to scarf down a huge portion of something
you don't like. But unless you have religious or medical reasons not to eat
something, I'm of the opinion you should take a small portion (a
tablespoonful suffices) so as not to offend the host/hostess. It's the only
reason I've ever tasted that gawd-awful green bean casserole made with cream
of mushroom soup and canned fried onions. LOL