Blacksalt's good, cheap oil dispenser
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Blacksalt's good, cheap oil dispenser
On Sat, 18 Oct 2003 01:56:01 GMT, Sheryl Rosen
> wrote:
>in article
, Tara at
wrote on 10/17/03 5:03 PM:
>>>> Fill it with dishwashing soap and it will look lovely next to your
>>>> sink.
>>>> Tara
>>> Might look lovely, but there is a reason why dishwashing detergent and
>>> shampoo no longer are packaged in glass bottles. Ever try keeping a
>>> hold on a glass bottle with soapy hands? Not only is glass harder to
>>> grip than plastic when it's wet and soapy, but if it ever did slip out
>>> of your hands, glass breaks. You'd have a soapy mess, might even hurt
>>> yourself.
>>> Don't put dishwashing detergent in a glass bottle.
>> I do, and I'm not dead yet.
>> Tara
>Then you have more luck than brains.
I have enough of both.
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