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Andy[_2_] Andy[_2_] is offline
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Default From Uncle to God and other thanksgiving memories.

From Uncle to God and other thanksgiving memories.

We ate at 3:30pm. No hysterics and plenty of food to go around three times.

I don't remember when I fell asleep watching the Jets/Cowboys but I had all
four nieces and nephews sleep on the living room carpet on me. Two woke up
sometime in the middle of the night and went back to sleep in their rooms.

They woke me up at 7AM (groan) and I achieved God-like status by
sleepwalking into the kitchen and nuking a box of White Castle
cheeseburgers I smuggled into the freezer. It was probably the most fun
breakfast they've had in their life. "You're gonna get in trouble!" I was

Oh, and it IS possible to fall out of bed on the living room floor carpet!

Now I'm home and too dreary to <chuckle> so there will be no CotD today.

I hate food for the moment.

Thanksgiving always starts off sounding like a good idea. It was nice
seeing the relatives again but I wouldn't want to see them every Thursday.

#1 Cuz wouldn't give me my keys until 9AM. Very thoughtful of him.

I'm getting too old for this sh*#.

I trust everyone celebrating had a fun holiday?

#1 Uncle

P.S. Too much pumpkin pie is a drug! --A