Andy wrote:
> jmcquown said...
>> Goomba38 wrote:
>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Glad you had a good day! One champagne flute is hardly a disaster.
>>>> I wish I'd stayed home. The entire day was a disaster.
>>> I love large family meals where I can use everything. For the first
>>> time yesterday I used my great-grandmother's salt cellars with the
>>> tiny glass spoons. We joked about Victorian coke spooons. The kids
>>> are already mentally divvying up my china, crystal and silver, LOL.
>>> I must be reaching my expiration date or something?
>> LOL I hope not! Scott used my grandma's silverware. Mom had me
>> give him the chest of silver a few years ago.
>>> Sorry your day was a bust. I need to see family more often than our
>>> schedules allow and while things get crazy at times we still laugh
>>> plenty and it is nice sharing memories. Why didn't you go to your
>>> boyfriend's house for dinner instead?
>> That would have been a 7.5 hour drive. He was busy painting in his
>> studio.
>> My family just isn't that close. I'd have had more fun sitting in
>> front of a fire reading a book... which is how I plan to spend today
It's gotten nice and cold and I have firewood!
> Jill,
> I'm watching the golf channel. No food TV today. No way, for any
> amount of money.
> Chugged a quart of fat-free milk when I got home and that's as fine a
> cuisine as it's gonna get. Dairianese I believe it's called.
> If I was gonna sit in front of a fire and read a book, I'd read it
> aloud with you in my lap. Keeping the wine glasses from going dry
> would be your only trouble.
> <smootch>
> Andy
Don't be silly. I don't need anyone to read aloud to me and I hate golf.